John Paul came to Sunderland College straight from school and studied music A-Level and BTEC, before progressing to his foundation degree. He is now self-employed in the music industry. He described his experience at the College as happy, creative and being part of a community.

He said:

“I decided to study at Sunderland College as the lecturing staff were inspiring and previous practitioners in the field I had chosen to study.

The best thing about the College was the creativity encouraged through the course modules and also the lecturing staff.

The course wasn’t just tailored to one specific subject within my chosen field; there were opportunities to immerse yourself in a variety of subjects and creative fields. I felt that the environment and the atmosphere within the music/performing arts community was inspiring.”

John Paul progressed to Sunderland university and gained a 1st class honours degree in Music. He is now self-employed in the industry and provides live music to some of the UK’s leading venues.

Student success stories

Maths and English for a Successful Future

Maths and English are everywhere! They are important life skills that will help you to achieve your best in your studies and to progress to your dream career. A GCSE Maths and English qualification could be the difference between being accepted onto a university course or getting a job promotion.

98% of our students progress to a positive destination

*Destination data for Sunderland College students aged 16-18, academic year 2017/18).

Why choose Sunderland College?

Our achievement rates are well above the national average.

We are the College of the Year.

(*Top college nationally for BTECs, Pearson 2019)

100% of our HND and HNC students progressed to employment or further study. 

(*Destination data, academic year 2016/17, HNC 19+)

We have recently invested £50 million in our facilities. 

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