Searching for vacancies made simple

Is the job right for you?

So now you've decided that an apprenticeship is the right route for you and you're ready to find an employer.  We'll guide you through the options here.

Remember to make sure you read each apprenticeship vacancy advert carefully to find out if it's what you're looking for.

Ask yourself?

  • Would I like this job?
  • Would I like to work for this employer?
  • Is the location convenient?
  • Do I have the skills and qualities that are required?
  • Is the start date suitable?

Our apprenticeship vacancies

All of our apprenticeship vacancies are listed on the Vacancy Matching Service (VMS) and on our website.

Our current vacancies

97.4% of our apprentices progressed to employment or further study*.

Destination data for Sunderland College 2019/20, Apprentice completers. 

Why choose Sunderland College?

96% of our apprentices agree that they have the chance to develop new skills at their workplace*.

(*On-programme Survey 2018, apprentices)

97% of our apprentices agree that their course is helping their skills to get better.*

(*On-programme Survey 2018, apprentices)

The college works in partnership with over 600 employers. 

We have over 40 Apprenticeship programmes across a range of career sectors.

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