Students studying STEAM subjects at Sunderland College were inspired to succeed by some of the biggest names in industry thanks to a series of workshops organised by the North East Collaborative Outreach Project (NECOP).
Level 3 students studying computing, engineering, dance, drama, art and design, games design and music had the unique opportunity to take part in a range of inspiring workshops, with positive role models, as part of a dedicated STEAM Day.
The workshops focused around STEAM subject areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) and included a dance and drama workshop from contemporary theatre company Frantic Assembly, who are based in London. Students experienced their unique physical style, which combines movement, design, music and text; a music workshop with American guitarist Elliott Randall, a session musician who has worked with the world’s most popular artists; an exciting spray painting workshop with North East freehand spray painter Frank Styles; and an inspirational talk from world record breaking freestyle footballer John Farnworth, who’s ethos is inspire, amaze and engage.
There were also presentations from the Centre for Life, Teesside University and York University, and students took time out to play giant outdoor games while listening to music students and rap science jc.
Digital student Connor Bailey, who is studying Games Development, Virtual Reality and Animation, said:
“I found the STEAM day really inspiring and motivational. I’m now excited about my future and the things I can achieve.”
The North East Collaborative Outreach Programme (NECOP) is a consortia of all of the universities and colleges in the North East region. They work together to support young people in the North East to motivate them to think about their futures and to aim higher.
James Ibinson, Higher Education Transitions Officer at Sunderland College, said:
“These workshops with positive role models, enabled student to benefit from opportunities they wouldn’t usually have access to, and to participate in new activities.
“Throughout the day they discovered there is no set pathway to success and were encouraged to aim high and set themselves challenging goals.”
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