A-Level students at Sunderland College today discovered that they have gained the grades to progress and achieve their university and career ambitions, despite the challenges of the current pandemic.
The results have enabled the college’s A-Level students to accept offers from top universities and progress to higher level apprenticeships or start a new career. Outstanding achievements included Lewis Clebby. 18, from Sunderland, who achieved straight As for History, English Literature and Law and is heading to the University of Cambridge to study History. He said:
“Coming to Sunderland College was a great experience. I enjoyed meeting new people and it prepared me for university and independent learning. The teaching staff are very helpful and it’s a nice environment to learn.”
Another delighted student, 19-year-old Stephanie Allen from Sunderland will be progressing to the University of Leeds to study History. She said:
“I’m very happy with my ABB grades in Politics, History and Law. I chose A-Levels as I wanted to study history. It’s a friendly and accepting environment at college and I have gained a lot of confidence during my time here.”
Jade Woods, 18, from Sunderland, who is hoping to follow a career in publishing, achieved AAB grades for English Literature, History and Law. She said:
“I’m really pleased that I have secured a place at University College London to study English Literature and Italian. I’ve enjoyed my time at college; meeting new people and having supportive lecturers to help me get where I need to be. It’s been a busy two years but I’m excited for my next step.”
This summer, A-Level grades were calculated by schools and colleges based on evidence such as assessments, coursework, homework and performance in class. Students were then ranked in order within each grade in a subject. The calculated ‘centre assessment’ grade was sent to exam boards where they were standardised using a statistical model developed by Ofqual (The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation).
The grades that students received this year will carry the same value as any other year. Although they have been awarded differently, they look the same as previous years on results slips and certificates and will be treated the same by employers, colleges and universities.
Students at the college are being supported with a virtual support clinic and a dedicated results day helpline. They are also able to come into college to see A-Level staff face-to-face and discuss future options.
Judith Quinn, Interim Deputy Principal Curriculum at Sunderland College, said:
“With the suspension of face-to-face teaching, and summer exams being cancelled, it’s been an unsettling year for students, however, we’re delighted that our A-Level students are still able to progress to their next steps.”
“Today wasn’t the big celebration that we wanted due to the pandemic, but we are extremely proud of our students and everything they have achieved. I would like to thank our excellent staff who have continued to put students at the heart of everything they do during what has been a challenging year and enabled our students to succeed.”
Sunderland College is part of Education Partnership North East, one of the largest college groups in the country, which also includes Hartlepool Sixth Form and Northumberland College. Since lockdown, the college group has undertaken over 3,000 welfare checks for vulnerable groups of students and 471 virtual counselling appointments, which included 50 new referrals during the pandemic and continued support for students already receiving counselling. This has been supported by daily live chat, Facebook Live sessions focusing on mental health and wellbeing, and virtual workshops on specific issues such as isolation, resilience and anxiety.
Sessions will continue over the summer to support new and returning students, in addition to a freshers’ event for the start of term, an extended induction programme with an interactive resource hub, support groups and a parent and carer welcome event with a programme of workshops across the academic year.
Sunderland College offers one of the largest range of A-Level subjects in the region. It also offers an extensive range of professional and technical courses. Apply online for September 2020 on www.sunderlandcollege.ac.uk
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98% of our students progress to a positive destination
(*Destination data for Sunderland College students aged 16-18, academic year 2017/18).
Our achievement rates are well above the national average.
We are the College of the Year.
(*Top college nationally for BTECs, Pearson 2019)
100% of our HND and HNC students progressed to employment or further study.
(*Destination data, academic year 2016/17, HNC 19+)
We have recently invested £50 million in our facilities.